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Chinese New Year of the Dog (2018).

Thursday, February 15, 2018

This is going to be a quick blog post before I head back to my parents' place for dinner.

It is time for Reunion Dinner again.

"Ah boy, come back earlier for dinner, OK?"

"(Playing Neverwinter) Yes, mom."

"Er, you sharing any 4D in your blog? Any zhen zhi?"

"(Busy killing cyclops) No inspiration this year wor."

Now, I wonder what was my mom's primary reason for calling?

Yes, I know.

Bad AK! Bad AK!

Anyway, I know I haven't been blogging much but I really don't have anything new to say anyway.

Mr. Market seems to be in a slightly depressed state and I have used the opportunity to buy some SingTel and Wilmar from him.

Of course, I do not know if prices could go lower.

I only know there is a lot more value after a 10% correction in their prices.

I invest mainly in relatively strong companies for income and I know that they will pay me.

That is what really matters to me.

I have received some emails from readers who are concerned about prices falling and I will tell anyone feeling the same way that if they do not have the stomach for volatility, stocks might be a bad place for their money.

We are all wired differently and if we want peace of mind, we must know ourselves.

Having said that, take a break and have a happy Chinese New Year!

Woof! Woof! Wang! Wang!

As we grow our wealth, always remember that there are more important things in life than money.


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1. Don't have to be smart. Be rich.
2. What to do when prices fall?

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